
Best Beaches To Shoot At: Lover's Point

Best Beaches To Shoot At: Lover's Point

Before I go any further I must state that at Lover’s Point there will always be a seagull or there will always be a squirrel. Now that that’s out of the way, this lovely half park, half beach is a top choice for photo sessions. Nestled between the Monterey Bay Aquarium and 17 Mile Drive, Lover’s Point is possibly Pacific Grove’s top attraction (although I’m sure some monarch butterflies will have a say about that).

Nevada Cave Adventure

Nevada Cave Adventure

Eventually, after a couple of turns and road changes (Siri had a hard time keeping up!) we arrived at our destination. The cave was large but also largely hidden by its surroundings. ! I’m used to squeezing myself into old mine shafts but you could walk in standing up! Let’s be real, if you enjoy the smell of bat urine and guano, this is the cave for you.

Behind The Image: Coyote Beautiful

Behind The Image: Coyote Beautiful

Despite the incredible landscape, it appeared to be void of wildlife. No deer, no birds so far. I was hoping for deer. There was no way there would be no deer. Then only 15 minutes later I spotted movement. It was moving quickly in the sagebrush about 200 yards away but it wasn’t a deer.

Behind The Image: Tunnel View At Night

Behind The Image: Tunnel View At Night

We finally arrive at the Tunnel View and I get my first shot off at 9:54pm. Almost an hour later than I would have liked, but, here we are. The valley was dark. Only the odd tail light from distant cars were seen as they made their way through the valley. There was no wind. Very peaceful. The moon was bright and behind us, illuminating the face of Half Dome, a little over 8 miles away.